+420 485 353 852|



Department of environmental chemistry Team

doc. Ing. Stanislaw Witold Waclawek, Ph.D.

doc. Ing. Stanislaw Witold Waclawek, Ph.D.

T +420 48535 3389

E stanislaw.waclawek@tul.cz

Head of the Environmental Chemistry Department

Stan obtained his Ph.D. at TUL in 2017 and habilitation (D.Sc.; 2022) at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, becoming an associate professor (at TUL) in 2022. He was a Visiting Scholar at the University of Cincinnati (US), Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz (DE) and has completed a half-year internship at the SiREM/Geosyntec company and two months internship at the University of Guelph (Guelph, ON, Canada). His field of interest is nanomaterials in the environment, remediation techniques, and catalysis. He is coordinator/manager of several research projects. His Czech GAČR jr project was graded as Excellent in 2023. He is also an Editorial Board Member of Chemical Engineering Journal and Catalysts journals. Stanisław Wacławek is in 2% of the most-cited scientists in the world according to Scopus (2021, 2022), and a Publons 2019 awardee: Top reviewers (1%) in Environment and Ecology – September 2019 and Top reviewers (1%) in Cross-Field – September 2019.

Other info: https://greenercatalysis.com/stanislaw-waclawek/

H-index = 31

GS: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=aQxAvAsAAAAJ&hl=pl&oi=ao

RG: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Stanislaw-Waclawek


  • AMIRBEKOV, A. et al. Synergistic effect of Alnus glutinosa saplings and rhizosphere microorganisms on organochlorine pesticides remediation in contaminated soil chemosphere Elsevier, 2025, vol. 373, issue March. P. neuvedeny (10 stran). ISSN: 0045-6535. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S004565352500116X?via%3Dihub
  • HANEKLAUS, N. H. et al. The phosphorus negotiation game (P-Game): first evaluation of a serious game to support science-policy decision making played in more than 20 countries worldwide Discover Sustainability London: Springer Nature, 2025, vol. 6, issue 1. P. neuvedeny (16 stran). ISSN: 2662-9984. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s43621-024-00693-6


Mgr. Pavel Hrabák, Ph.D.

Mgr. Pavel Hrabák, Ph.D.

T +420 48535 3848

E pavel.hrabak@tul.cz






Senior researchers

Ing. Vojtěch Antoš, Ph.D.

Ing. Vojtěch Antoš, Ph.D.

T +420 48535 3848

E vojtech.antos@tul.cz


  • ŚWISŁOWSKI, P. et al. One year of active moss biomonitoring in the identification of PAHs in an urbanized area—prospects and implications Environmental Science and Pollution Research Springer Nature Link, 2024, vol. 31, issue 26. P. 38416 – 38427. ISSN: 0944-1344. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11356-024-33831-8


  • VRCHOVECKÁ, S. et al. Study of Adsorption Efficiency of Lignite, Biochar, and Polymeric Nanofibers for Veterinary Drugs in WWTP Effluent Water WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION CHAM: SPRINGER INT PUBL AG, 2023, vol. 234, issue 4. P. neuvedeny (14 stran). ISSN: 0049-6979. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11270-023-06281-0


  • AHMED, M. M. M. et al. Corrigendum to “Revisiting the polyvinylidene fluoride heterogeneous alkaline reaction mechanism in propan-2-ol: An additional hydrogenation step” [Eur. Polym. J. 156 (2021) 110605] European Polymer Journal OXFORD: Elsevier, 2021, vol. 159, issue OCT 5.pp. ISSN: 0014-3057. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0014305721004444
  • PAVELKOVÁ, A. et al. Reduction of chlorinated hydrocarbons using nano zero-valent iron supported with an electric field. Characterization of electrochemical processes and thermodynamic stability Chemosphere 1. ed. Oxford: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2021, vol. 265, issue FEB 2021. P. neuvedeny (9 stran). ISSN: 0045-6535. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.128764
  • AHMED, M. M. M. et al. Revisiting the polyvinylidene fluoride heterogeneous alkaline reaction mechanism in propan-2-ol: An additional hydrogenation step European Polymer Journal 1. ed., 2021, vol. 156, issue August. P. neuvedeny (6 stran). ISSN: 0014-3057. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0014305721003396
  • ANTOŠ, V. et al. Substráty pro nízkonákladové systémy k čištění kontaminovaných průmyslových a zemědělských vod . : , 2021.
  • ŚWISŁOWSKI, P. et al. The Application of Active Biomonitoring with the Use of Mosses to Identify Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in an Atmospheric Aerosol Molecules MDPI, 2021, vol. 26, issue 23. P. neuvedeny (11 stran). ISSN: 1420-3049. https://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/26/23/7258


Ing. Lenka Lacinová, Ph.D.

Ing. Lenka Lacinová, Ph.D.

T +420 48535 3012

E lenka.lacinova@tul.cz


  • LACINOVÁ, L. et al. Prostředek pro chemickou a biologickou regeneraci vodárenských vrtů nebo studní [utility model] Enlisted at 20191203 as No. 33464.
  • LACINOVÁ, L., MACKOVÁ, H., LHOTSKÝ, O. , and HEŘMÁNKOVÁ, M. Technologie použití nanočástic železa s biodegradabilní slupkou pro čištění podzemních vod kombinací nano-bio procesů [ověřená technologie]. 2019.


  • NĚMEČEK, J., LACINOVÁ, L. , and KOZUBEK, P. Sanační technologie Biofer-rem pro biogeochemickou transformaci chlorovaných ethenů v podzemní vodě [ověřená technologie]. 2018.


  • LACINOVÁ, L., NĚMEČEK, J. , and KOZUBEK, P. Sanační prostředek Biofer-m pro podporu biogeochemické transformace chlorovaných ethenů v podzemní vodě [funkční vzorek]


  • NĚMEČEK, J. et al. Combined abiotic and biotic in-situ reduction of hexavalent chromium in groundwater using nZVI and whey: A remedial pilot test Journal of Hazardous Materials 1. ed. AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2015, vol. 300, issue 300. P. 670 – 679. ISSN: 0304-3894.
  • PEŠKOVÁ, K. et al. Oxidic Shield And Its Influence on the Reactivity And Migration of Air-stable Iron Nanoparticles NANOCON 2015 - International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research and Application 1. ed. Ostrava: Tanger, spol. s.r.o., 2015, 2015 P. 183 – 188. ISBN: 978-80-87294-63-5.
  • PEŠKOVÁ, K. et al. Study of the Reactive And Migration Properties of New Type of Iron Nanoparticles Before And After Activation And Its Additional Surface Modification, 2015


  • ČERNÍK, M., LACINOVÁ, L., HRABAL, J. , and ČERNÍKOVÁ, M. In-situ Combination of Bio and Abio Remediation of Chlorinated Ethenes Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S 3. ed. Opole: SOC ECOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING, 2013, vol. 20, issue 3. P. 463 – 473. ISSN: 1898-6196.


  • PARMA, P., LACINOVÁ, L., DYKOVÁ, Z. , and SODOMKOVÁ, M. Metodika testování materiálů na bázi nanoželeza pro účely odstraňování Cr6+ z podzemních vod Sanační technologie XV 1. ed. Chrudim: Vodní zdroje Ekomonitor spol. s r. o., 2012pp. ISBN: 978-80-86832-66-1.
  • PARMA, P., LACINOVÁ, L., DYKOVÁ, Z. , and ČERNÍK, M. Zkušenosti s redukcí Cr6+ nanoželezem a testování nových typů nanoželez Znečistené územia 2012 1. ed. Ekotoxikologické centrum Bratislava s.r.o., 2012 P. 73 – 76. ISBN: 9788096995882.
RNDr. Jan Němeček, Ph.D.

RNDr. Jan Němeček, Ph.D.

T +420 48535 3937

E jan.nemecek1@tul.cz


  • NĚMEČEK, J. et al. Field study on the dynamics of microbial communities following biostimulation at organochlorine-contaminated sites Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering London: Elsevier Ltd, 2024, vol. 12, issue 6. P. neuvedeny (11 stran). ISSN: 2213-2929. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2213343724026654?via%3Dihub
  • NĚMEČEK, J. et al. Hydrogeochemical analysis of processes affecting HCH removal using ZVI-based treatment technology Applied Geochemistry Elsevier Ltd, 2024, vol. 175, issue November. P. neuvedeny (10 stran). ISSN: 0883-2927. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0883292724002695
  • NOSEK, J., NĚMEČEK, J., LHOTSKÝ, O. , and BOČEK, M. Technologie EBioChem pro oblasti kontaminačního mraku ověřená na 3. lokalitě [ověřená technologie]. 2024.
  • ČERNÍK, M. et al. Wetland technology for the treatment of HCH-contaminated water – case study at Hajek site Science of The Total Environment Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2024, vol. 930, issue 20 June 2024. P. neuvedeny (9 stran). ISSN: 0048-9697. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969724028079



  • LHOTSKÝ, O., NĚMEČEK, J. , and MARKOVÁ, K. BIOREDOXX „Ověřená technologie kombinované anaerobně-aerobní in situ biodegradace chlorovaných ethenů“ [ověřená technologie]. 2022.
  • NAJMANOVÁ, P. et al. Thermally Enhanced Biodegradation of TCE in Groundwater Water Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2022, vol. 14, issue 21. P. neuvedeny (18 stran). ISSN: 2073-4441. https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/14/21/3456/review_report


  • HRABÁK, P. et al. Technologie WETLAND pro odstraňování organochlorovaných pesticidů ze skládkových výluhů ZittLiWo, 2021 P. neuvedeny (6 stran). https://skladky.tul.cz/skladky21/index.php/cs/index.html
  • LHOTSKÝ, O. et al. The effects of hydraulic/pneumatic fracturing-enhanced remediation (FRAC-IN) at a site contaminated by chlorinated ethenes: A case study Journal of Hazardous Materials 1. ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2021, vol. 417, issue SEP. P. neuvedeny (10 stran). ISSN: 0304-3894. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.125883


  • NĚMEČEK, J. et al. Hydrochemical Conditions for Aerobic/Anaerobic Biodegradation of Chlorinated Ethenes—A Multi-Site Assessment Water 1. ed. BASEL: MDPI, 2020, vol. 12, issue 2. P. neuvedeny (17 stran). ISSN: 2073-4441. https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/12/2/322
doc. Mgr. Rafael Omar Torres Mendieta, Ph.D.

doc. Mgr. Rafael Omar Torres Mendieta, Ph.D.

T +420 48535 3587

E rafael.torres@tul.cz

Dr. Habil. Torres is the leader of the research team FEMTONANO, which focuses on unveiling the most intricate details behind synthesizing and studying nanomaterials employing ultrafast laser radiation. Besides, his interests expand to the possible applications where laser-synthesized nanomaterials can be employed, like catalysis, bacteria eradication, cell labeling, wastewater treatment, among others. 

H index (WOS): 16

H index (SCOPUS): 17

Researcher ID: N-7426-2018
ORCID: 0000-0002-9865-1826
Scopus Author ID: 55102770000

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rafael-Torres-Mendieta-2

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rafael-torres-mendieta/

Team‘s wepage: https://femtonanogroup.com/


  • DE ROSSET, A., TORRES MENDIETA, R. O., PASTERNAK, G. , and YALCINKAYA, F. Synergistic effects of natural biosurfactant and metal oxides modification on PVDF nanofiber filters for efficient microplastic and oil removal Process Safety and Environmental Protection Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2025, vol. 194, issue February. P. 997 – 1009. ISSN: 0957-5820. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0957582024016306
  • KAŠŠA, K. et al. Unlocking the role of byproducts in reactive laser ablation in liquids: A pathway to dual-function Au-Ti nanostructures Applied Surface Science Netherlands: Elsevier, 2025, vol. 692, issue May. P. 162713. ISSN: 0169-4332. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2025.162713


  • ABDALLAH, S. I., HAVELKA, O., BRAUN, J. , and TORRES MENDIETA, R. O. Laser-mediated Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles by Optical Vortex Beam 16th International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research & Application -: TANGER, 2024 P. 1 – 8. ISBN: 978-80-88365-24-2, ISSN: 2694-930X. https://www.confer.cz/nanocon/2024
  • HAVELKA, O. et al. Laser-synthesized FeBi nanoparticles for the efficient photocatalytic degradation of persistent antibiotics in water Journal of Water Process Engineering Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2024, vol. 69, issue Januar. P. neuvedeny (9 stran). ISSN: 2214-7144. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwpe.2024.106706
  • YALCINKAYA, F. et al. Nanofiber applications in microbial fuel cells for enhanced energy generation: a mini review RSC Advances London: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2024, vol. 14, issue 13. P. 9122 – 9136. ISSN: 2046-2069. https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2024/RA/D4RA00674G



Junior researchers

Mgr. Tereza Hulswit Sázavská, Ph.D.

Mgr. Tereza Hulswit Sázavská, Ph.D.

T +420 48535 3882

E tereza.sazavska@tul.cz


  • VRCHOVECKÁ, S. et al. Chemical analysis of wetland plants to evaluate the bioaccumulation and metabolism of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) Science of The Total Environment Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2024, vol. 921, issue April. P. neuvedeny (10 stran). ISSN: 0048-9697. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969724012804?via%3Dihub#ks0005
  • WACLAWEK, S. W. et al. Profile of Polyphenols, Fatty Acids, and Terpenes in Henola Hemp Seeds Depending on the Method of Fertilization Molecules Basel: MDPI, 2024, vol. 29, issue 17. P. neuvedeny (25 stranky). ISSN: 1420-3049. https://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/29/17/4178
  • PRZYBYLSKA-BALCEREK, A. et al. The Content of Antioxidant Compounds and VOCs in Sorghum Grain Grown in Central and Eastern Europe Agronomy Basel: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024, vol. 14, issue 1. P. neuvedeny (22 stranky). ISSN: 2073-4395. https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4395/14/1/217
  • ČERNÍK, M. et al. Wetland technology for the treatment of HCH-contaminated water – case study at Hajek site Science of The Total Environment Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2024, vol. 930, issue 20 June 2024. P. neuvedeny (9 stran). ISSN: 0048-9697. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969724028079




  • HRABÁK, P., HULSWIT SÁZAVSKÁ, T., NOVOTNÝ, V. , and LÍSKOVÁ, K. Mapování technologických zdrojů VOC a návrh opatření pro snížení emisí [souhrnná výzkumná zpráva].
  • JAKUBIČKOVÁ, M. , and HULSWIT SÁZAVSKÁ, T. Photocatalytic active coatings-environmental way to improve quality and durability of buildings 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NANOMATERIALS - RESEARCH & APPLICATION (NANOCON 2016) Ostrava: TANGER Ltd, 2017 P. 280 – 285. ISBN: 9788087294710. http://www.scopus.com


Ing. Veronika Leová

Ing. Veronika Leová

E veronika.leova@tul.cz


Mgr. Vít Novotný

Mgr. Vít Novotný

T +420 48535 3125

E vit.novotny@tul.cz



  • BLANQUER, A. et al. A novel bifunctional multilayered nanofibrous membrane combining polycaprolactone and poly (vinyl alcohol) enriched with platelet lysate for skin wound healing NANOSCALE Cambridge: Royal Soc Chemistry, 2024, vol. 16, issue 4. P. 1924 – 1941. ISSN: 2040-3364. http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2024/NR/D3NR04705A
  • HAVLÍČKOVÁ, K. et al. Long-term comparative study of the stability of nanofibrous materials from biodegradable polycaprolactone for skin wound dressing CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS - NANOCON 2023 Ostrava: Tanger Ltd., 2024 P. 303 – 312. ISBN: 978-80-88365-13-6, ISSN: 2694-930X. https://doi.org/10.37904/nanocon.2023.4792


  • SIVAN, M. et al. AC electrospinning: impact of high voltage and solvent on the electrospinnability and productivity of polycaprolactone electrospun nanofibrous scaffolds Materials Today Chemistry OXFORD: Elsevier, 2022, vol. 26, issue DEC. P. neuvedeny (14 stran). ISSN: 2468-5194. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2468519422002543#ack0010
  • MADHESWARAN, D. et al. Composite yarns with antibacterial nanofibrous sheaths produced by collectorless alternating-current electrospinning for suture applications Journal of Applied Polymer Science Wiley, 2022, vol. 139, issue 13. P. neuvedeny (14 stran). ISSN: 0021-8995. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/app.51851?saml_referrer
  • HAVLÍČKOVÁ, K. et al. Degradační chování polyesterových nanovlákenných materiálů, 2022
  • KUŽELOVÁ KOŠŤÁKOVÁ, E. et al. Effect of humidity during electrospinning of biodegradable polyester nanofibers NANOCON 2022 - Conference Proceedings, 14th International Conference on Nanomaterials Ostrava: Tanger Ltd., Ostrava, 2022 P. 205 – 211. ISBN: 978-808836509-9, ISSN: 2694-930X. https://www.confer.cz/nanocon/2022/read/4606-effect-of-humidity-during-electrospinning-of-biodegradable-polyester-nanofibers.pdf
  • RYSOVÁ, M. et al. Hyaluronan-nanofibres conjugates for cationic drug delivery, 2022
  • MARYŠKOVÁ, M. et al. Laminated PAA nanofibers as a practical support for crude laccase: A new perspective for biocatalytic treatment of micropollutants in wastewaters Environmental Technology & Innovation AMSTERDAM: Elsevier BV, 2022, vol. 26, issue 5. P. neuvedeny (11 stran). ISSN: 2352-1864. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352186422000256?via=ihub
  • KUŽELOVÁ KOŠŤÁKOVÁ, E. et al. Vliv vzdušné vlhkosti na elektricky zvlákněné nanovlákenné materiály z biodegradabilních polyesterů, 2022
Ing. Martin Palušák

Ing. Martin Palušák

T +420 48535 3937

E martin.palusak@tul.cz


Mgr. Daniele Silvestri, Ph.D.

Mgr. Daniele Silvestri, Ph.D.

T +420 48535 3838

E daniele.silvestri@tul.cz



  • KHALEGHIABBASABADI, M. et al. Adsorptive Removal of Ibuprofen from Water by Biopolymer-Functionalized Magnetic Graphene Oxide Central European Conference ECOpole’23, 2023pp. https://ecesociety.com/accepted-contributions-4/
  • RAMOS, P., RACZAK, B. K., SILVESTRI, D. , and WACLAWEK, S. W. Application of TGA/c-DTA for Distinguishing between Two Forms of Naproxen in Pharmaceutical Preparations Pharmaceutics BASEL: MDPI, 2023, vol. 15, issue 6. P. neuvedeny (25 stranky). ISSN: 1999-4923. https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4923/15/6/1689

Lab technician,technical staff

Other Members

Ing. Lucie Cádrová

Ing. Lucie Cádrová

T +420 48535 3848

E lucie.cadrova@tul.cz


  • NOSEK, J., PLUHAŘ, T. , and CÁDROVÁ, L. Instalace systému elektrické podpory Fe částic pro pilotní sanace na lokalitách Serpol a Zurzach [souhrnná výzkumná zpráva].
  • ČERNÍK, M. et al. Kompozitní Fe materiál pro in-situ sanaci s povrchovou modifikací detergentem MSJ [funkční vzorek] http://www.cxi.tul.cz


  • NOSEK, J., ČERNÍK, M., PLUHAŘ, T. , and CÁDROVÁ, L. Dodání reaktivní směsi Fe částic pro plnoprovozní sanaci lokality Písečná, včetně systému podpory elektrickým polem – rok 2016 [souhrnná výzkumná zpráva].
  • CÁDROVÁ, L., ANTOŠ, V. , and NOSEK, J. Reaktor pro laboratorní modelování sanace kontaminované vody [utility model] Enlisted at 20160322 as No. 29308. http://spisy.upv.cz/UtilityModels/FullDocuments/FDUM0029/uv029308.pdf
  • ČERNÍK, M. et al. Tepelně vodivá hmota na bázi geopolymeru [patent] Granted at 20160622 as No. 306095. http://spisy.upv.cz/Patents/FullDocuments/306/306095.pdf


  • NOSEK, J. et al. Komplexní metodika laboratorních testů za účelem studia podpory redukčních a oxidačních činidel pomocí elektrického pole [ověřená technologie]. 2015.
  • KAKOSOVÁ, E. et al. Přímé měření produktů methan, ethan, ethen při reduktivní dehalogenaci kontaminované vody Inovativní sanační technologie ve výzkumu a praxi VIII., 14.-15.10.2015, Hustopeče 1. ed. Chrudim: Vodní zdroje Ekomonitor. spol. s.r.o, 2015, 2015 P. 11 – 15. ISBN: 978-80-86832-87-6.
  • ANTOŠ, V., KAKOSOVÁ, E., JIŘÍČKOVÁ, L. , and NOSEK, J. Proces kontinuálního měření reduktivní dehalogeance chlorovaných ethenů a methanů pomocí nZVI Sanační technologie XVIII., Uherské Hradiště, 2015 1. ed. Chrudim: Vodní zdroje Ekomonitor spol. s.r.o., 2015 P. 116 – 119. ISBN: 978-80-86832-85-2. http://www.ekomonitor.cz/
  • NOSEK, J., ČERNÍK, M., PLUHAŘ, T. , and JIŘÍČKOVÁ, L. Testování a dodání reaktivní směsi nulmocných železných částic pro plnoprovozní sanaci lokality Písečná [souhrnná výzkumná zpráva].
  • WACLAWEK, S. W. et al. Use of Various Zero Valent Irons for Degradation of Chlorinated Ethenes And Ethanes Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S 1. ed. OPOLE, POLAND: SOC ECOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING, 2015, vol. 22, issue 4. P. 577 – 587. ISSN: 1898-6196. http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/eces.2015.22.issue-4/eces-2015-0034/eces-2015-0034.xml
Ing. Mohammad Gheibi, M.Eng.

Ing. Mohammad Gheibi, M.Eng.

T +420 48535 3838

E mohammad.gheibi@tul.cz


Jan Horák

Jan Horák

E jan.horak1@tul.cz

Machine learning and AI, Backend development, DevOps, Python, JavaScript​

Mgr. Barbara Klaudia Raczak

Mgr. Barbara Klaudia Raczak

T +420 48535 3838

E barbara.klaudia.raczak@tul.cz


  • KHALEGHIABBASABADI, M. et al. A Novel Organic–Inorganic-Nanocomposite-Based Reduced Graphene Oxide as an Efficient Nanosensor for NO2 Detection Nanomaterials Basel: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024, vol. 14, issue 24. P. neuvedeny (16 stran). ISBN: 978-80-270-8323-7, ISSN: 2079-4991. https://doi.org/10.3390/nano14241983
  • HAVELKA, O. et al. Laser-synthesized FeBi nanoparticles for the efficient photocatalytic degradation of persistent antibiotics in water Journal of Water Process Engineering Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2024, vol. 69, issue Januar. P. neuvedeny (9 stran). ISSN: 2214-7144. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwpe.2024.106706
  • PRZYBYLSKA-BALCEREK, A. et al. The Content of Antioxidant Compounds and VOCs in Sorghum Grain Grown in Central and Eastern Europe Agronomy Basel: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024, vol. 14, issue 1. P. neuvedeny (22 stranky). ISSN: 2073-4395. https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4395/14/1/217



RNDr. Stanislava Vrchovecká

RNDr. Stanislava Vrchovecká

T +420 48535 3937

E stanislava.vrchovecka@tul.cz




  • VRCHOVECKÁ, S. et al. Study of Adsorption Efficiency of Lignite, Biochar, and Polymeric Nanofibers for Veterinary Drugs in WWTP Effluent Water WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION CHAM: SPRINGER INT PUBL AG, 2023, vol. 234, issue 4. P. neuvedeny (14 stran). ISSN: 0049-6979. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11270-023-06281-0


  • VRCHOVECKÁ, S., AMIRBEKOV, A. , and HRABÁK, P. Alnus Glutinosa Short Rotation Coppice for Hch Contaminated Area - Chemical And Microbiological Evaluation, 2022
  • VRCHOVECKÁ, S. et al. Influence of delta-hexachlorocyclohexane (δ-HCH) to Phytophthora ×alni resistant Alnus glutinosa genotypes − Evaluation of physiological parameters and remediation potential Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety Elsevier, 2022, vol. 247, issue DEC. P. neuvedeny (9 stran). ISSN: 0147-6513. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0147651322010752?via=ihub
Ing. Sabrin Issam Abdallah

Ing. Sabrin Issam Abdallah

T +420 48535 3587

E sabrin.abdallah@tul.cz


  • KAŠŠA, K. et al. Unlocking the role of byproducts in reactive laser ablation in liquids: A pathway to dual-function Au-Ti nanostructures Applied Surface Science Netherlands: Elsevier, 2025, vol. 692, issue May. P. 162713. ISSN: 0169-4332. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2025.162713


  • ABDALLAH, S. I., HAVELKA, O., BRAUN, J. , and TORRES MENDIETA, R. O. Laser-mediated Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles by Optical Vortex Beam 16th International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research & Application -: TANGER, 2024 P. 1 – 8. ISBN: 978-80-88365-24-2, ISSN: 2694-930X. https://www.confer.cz/nanocon/2024
  • HAVELKA, O. et al. Laser-synthesized FeBi nanoparticles for the efficient photocatalytic degradation of persistent antibiotics in water Journal of Water Process Engineering Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2024, vol. 69, issue Januar. P. neuvedeny (9 stran). ISSN: 2214-7144. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwpe.2024.106706



  • HAVELKA, O., BRAUN, J., ABDALLAH, S. I. , and TORRES MENDIETA, R. O. Laser-assisted Control of Bismuth Doping in Magnetic Nanoparticles NANOCON Conference Proceedings - International Conference on Nanomaterials TANGER Ltd., 2022 P. 267 – 272. ISBN: 978-808836509-9, ISSN: 2694-930X. https://www.confer.cz/nanocon/2022
Ing. Maryna Garan, Ph.D.

Ing. Maryna Garan, Ph.D.

E maryna.garan@tul.cz


  • GARAN, M., KOVALENKO, I. , and TIDRIRI, K. A Data-Centric Machine Learning Methodology: Application on Predictive Maintenance of Wind Turbines ENERGIES Basel: Mdpi, 2022, vol. 15, issue 3. P. neuvedeny (21 stranky). ISSN: 1996-1073. https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/15/3/826/htm
  • ŠÍMA, P., KOVALENKO, I. , and GARAN, M. Software for the automatic identification of defective products using deep learning [software]. Available from: https://github.com/petrsima/Batchelor-thesis.



  • KOVALENKO, I. et al. Implementation of Non-Destructive Evaluation and Process Monitoring in DLP-based Additive Manufacturing Open Engineering DE GRUYTER OPEN LTD, 2017, vol. 7, issue 1. P. 100 – 105. ISSN: 2391-5439.
  • GARAN, M. , and KOVALENKO, I. Recalculation of initial conditions for the observable canonical form of state-space representation ACM International Conference Proceeding Series New York: The Association for Computing Machinery, 2017 P. 131 – 135. ISBN: 9781450352154.



  • GARAN, M., KOVALENKO, I., MOUČKA, M. , and VAGASKÁ, A. Electronic Emulator of Linear Dynamic Systems Sborník příspěvků konference PRINCIPIA CYBERNETICA 2015 1. ed. Pardubice, Česká Republika: Univerzita Pardubice, 2015 P. 26 – 31. ISBN: 978-80-7395-865-7.
Masoud Khaleghiabbasabadi

Masoud Khaleghiabbasabadi

E masoud.khaleghiabbasabadi@tul.cz




General partners

Škoda AUTO
Česká Zbrojovka
FM Motol
UJV Group