

Kdy: 25. 05. 2023

Oblast: Jiné

Typ akce: Konference

Místo konání: Česká Republika

Unlocking the potential of economic and science diplomacy in Czech-African relations


Africa is undergoing a technological revolution. New technologies are becoming an integral part of all fields and areas of life of its people: e-commerce, agriculture, meteorology, health, infrastructure development or transport. Nowhere else is the number of mobile phone users growing as much as on the African continent, and its inhabitants are increasingly using digital payment systems. Africa is also moving towards e-governance. Cybersecurity and the provision of critical infrastructure have also become strategic areas. Meanwhile, generations of young Africans who seek to live in a modern, connected and secure world are driving the push for technological change.


The Czech Republic wants to support these positive changes. Czech companies are bringing new technologies to Africa and our country also supports cooperation between universities, scientific research and technology transfer, which leads to mutual enrichment of new ideas and expertise. Research, science and innovation are drivers of economic development with higher added value. This is also why science diplomacy is one of the important activities of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


CXI TUL will be represented at the conference by Jan Kočí as a keynote speaker in Panel I: Smart technologies / CzechTech solutions for Africa.


The conference will be held in Czernin Palace.



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Hlavní partneři

Skupina UJV
Škoda Auto
Česká Zbrojovka
Fakultní nemocnice Motol