Project partners

The project is coordinated by Professor Miroslav Černík from Technical University of Liberec (TUL).

TUL (CZ) will direct and manage the project and provide technical underpinning for the Wetland+ technology. It will oversee environmental monitoring at both sites providing technical support and analytical work. TUL will be directly responsible for these actions at Hajek. It will lead preparation of Technology Guide. It will be supported by extra-mural advisors with specific expertise in sustainability assessment for remediation and networking with POP impacted megasites in Europe and beyond. All partners participate in communication and dissemination, under direction of TUL.


 The project partners are:

Aarhus University (AU)

AU (DK) is a young, modern university established in 1928. It is a major authority on water treatment, wetlands and remedial works and organises the Wetpol conferences. Its major role will be in project peer review, and dissemination in support of replication.

contact: Carlos A. Arias,

DIAMO, státní podnik, odštěpný závod Správa uranových ložisek Příbram (DIAMO)

DIAMO (CZ) is a state-owned enterprise that manages former mining activities in the Czech Republic. It will lead activities at Hájek site, which includes installation of Wetland+ technology, its commissioning, and maintenance.

contact: Petr Brůček, 

Główny Instytut Górnictwa (GIG - Central Mining Institute)

GIG (PL) is a R&D Institute working for mining industry, local authorities & environment protection enterprises. Its mission is to create modern, energy-saving, clean technologies, technical solutions and to create synergy between industry, environment and people. It will be implement preparatory, operational and monitoring activities for P2.

contact: Grzegorz Gzyl,

City of Jaworzno

Jaworzno (PL) represents the Jaworzno city administration and County (Powiat). It is responsible for quality management of groundwater, establishing rules for operation and interaction of users of water in area assigned to its competence. City of Jaworzno will lead activities at Jaworzno site, including preparatory action (permitting, stakeholder involvement, system build-up and commissioning).

contact: Paweł Słaby,

Photon Water Technology (PWT)

PWT (CZ) has extensive experience in of the environmental application of physical, chemical and biological processes. It will be involved in design & engineering activities for installation-operationmonitoring of P1 & P2, replication and commercialisation. It also provides renewable energy and remote working expertise.

contact: Petr Kvapil,


SERPOL (FR) is leading remediation company in France with team of 160 top level specialists applying a range of environmental services, focusing on on-site and in-situ technologies. It has extensive networking and market entry capabilities and will support feasibility studies, commercialisation, and replication.

contact: Antoine Joubert,


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Hlavní partneři

Skupina UJV
Škoda Auto
Česká Zbrojovka
Fakultní nemocnice Motol