Centre for Industrial 3D Printing launched

24. 1. 2023

The first meeting of the Centre for Industrial 3D Printing marked six years of collaboration between university teams, industry and technology companies. The consortium launched the collaboration with a general meeting yesterday at CXI in Liberec, attended by all representatives from the partner companies and research organisations.

"This project is extremely prestigious and boasts a truly progressive team. I am glad that we have the Centre for Industrial 3D Printing here and that we are involved in it across several faculties of our university," said Miroslav Černík, Director of the Institute for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies and Innovations of the Technical University of Liberec (CXI TUL), in his opening remarks, and wished success to the project team and its planned activities.

Jan Kočí, Head of the Systems Integration research area at CXI, commented on the concept of the centre: "We want to focus on sustainable and environmentally friendly materials, efficient technologies and digitalisation and data-driven production control. We need to think about manufacturing in the context of the needs of modern times and the new opportunities we have to do so."

The planned research will cover a range of interdisciplinary topics in the field of environmentally and energy-efficient production. The aim is to increase the potential of additive technologies, enable the development of materials with specific properties and new products, innovative technologies and exploit the potential of digitalisation.

"The aim of the centre is the interconnection and networking of all organisations involved in the centre. To enrich ourselves on a personal and professional level and to expand our competences. We have 6 years of work ahead of us and I believe that it will be successful and to the benefit of all of us," said Jiří Šafka, head of the Centre for Industrial 3D Printing.

The partners approved the agenda, the statutes, the rules of procedure and the proposal to accept other new partners who want to be part of the Centre.

Since the beginning, the Centre has 26 partners. Here is complete list:

ŠKODA AUTO a.s., Entry Engineering s.r.o., Prusa Research, Průša Polymers a.s,
Narran s.r.o., Červenka Consulting s.r.o,
ŠKODA AUTO Vysoká škola o.p.s., Brno University of Technology,
Siemens, s.r.o., University of Chemical Technology in Prague,
Czech Technical University in Prague, ORLEN UniCRE a.s,
Regional Hospital Liberec, a.s., Dřevoplast Ludvík s.r.o., Azu Design s.r.o., Clean - air s.r.o., Brainhot Technologies, s.r.o., ARIES, a.s., TriLAB Group s.r.o., Meretech s.r.o., ProSpon, spol. s r.o., IQS nano s.r.o., SCOOLPT s.r.o., GZR plast s.r.o., Electroforming s.r.o.

Hlavní partneři

Skupina UJV
Škoda Auto
Česká Zbrojovka
Fakultní nemocnice Motol