HyLife – Microbial risks associated with hydrogen underground storage in Europe
Registrační číslo projektu:TH83020003
Období realizace projektu:01.10. 2023 – 30.09. 2026
Řešitel projektu za TUL:Mgr. Kateřina Černá, Ph.D.
Developing Europe’s energy system towards net-zero in 2050 as stated in the European SET Plan (20)
requires a variety of innovative energy system solutions in which H2 will play a vital role. To secure sufficient
and stable green H2 supply over time, storage of excess H2 is crucial to help avoid further consumption of
non-renewables in high-demand seasons. A technological challenge is to find and operate flexible, large-
scale storage solutions for H2. Underground/subsurface storage in caverns and reservoirs/aquifers has
been proposed as a promising solution, but many questions on what will happen with H2 when injected into
the living subsurface remain unanswered and overlooked. In close cooperation with energy companies,
storage operators and service companies (see section 3) we want to advance the understanding of
subsurface energy storage sites by assessing the most critical identified risk: microbial conversion. In our
proposed project HyLife, we will focus on underground H2 storage and microbial activity inside the
storage sites. Microbial activity can heavily influence storage viability, safety and economics by consuming
H2 and producing the toxic, corrosive and explosive gas H2S. The possible microbial processes must be
understood from a field-specific point of view and on an experimental level to properly estimate the risks,
pinpoint favourable storage sites, and avoid or mitigate potential operational failures. This is important to
secure a continuous and long-term energy supply despite intermittent renewable energy production, a key
factor in achieving social acceptance of a renewable energy system. By including business assessment of
the microbial risks and potentially needed mitigation efforts, the project brings in a valuable cross-cutting
dimension, which is of great interest to the industry sector. The project goals are directly in line with the
3European Green Deal, the European SET plan and the mission innovation of the CETPartnership to empower
the clean energy transition, pool European knowledge and excellence and accelerate clean energy
technologies. We will directly impact national and international policy makers as the new knowledge will be
important for defining legal frameworks for full-scale deployment of H2 underground storage.

Tento projekt byl financován v rámci Národního plánu obnovy z evropského Nástroje pro oživení a odolnost.