
Koncentrátory magnetického pole na bázi keramiky

Období realizace projektu:01.05. 2024 – 30.04. 2027

Řešitel projektu za TUL:Ing. Mateusz Fijalkowski, Ph.D.

CeraFlux aims to develop a new functional ceramic-based magnetic flux concentrator material. The new material is a magnetic dielectric material (MDM), which enhances the induction heating process by redirecting the magnetic fields towards the targeted surface. The induction heating processes will replace many heating processes in future. The induction heating provides the efficiency of 80 % heating as compared to the 40 % heating efficiency of fossil gas, which is already a factor of two in terms of energy efficiency. This new innovative material will increase the heating efficiency and selectiveness of induction heating. The production of the MDM material will be done by using the 3D printing method, which will make a big breakthrough in state of the art of composite material, produced by Fluxtrol Inc. a monopolist in USA. Currently available MDM material has low-temperature resistance, low thermal conductivity and low-pressure stability. CeraFlux fully exploit the strengthening potential of ceramic-based magnetic flux concentrator material by introducing ceramic-based matrix, which will enhance the temperature stability and heat conduction with high degree of filling. The new functional material with significantly improved properties compared to the state-of-the-art that can be marketed worldwide. The newly developed production processes enable both individual and mass production and maximum flexibility for the demands of the market. The work planned in Ceraflux aims to increase TRL2 to TRL5 and is distributed in four technical work packages plus one additional for the project management and dissemination of results. The technical work packages are divided into material, process, modelling and implementation and assessment of prototypes. The first work package will deal with deciding material particles and its size and shape based on process influencing factors. The actual process development such as feedstock development, filament production, 3D printing, debinding and sintering of the new composite material will be performed in the second work package. The finite element simulation will help to reduce the costing and time to predict the results more accurately in work package three. In work package four, developed prototypes will be validated experimentally to verify the efficiency of the finished material in process. The CeraFlux consortium is formed by three partners from research institutions from Germany, Slovenia and Czech Republic as well as industrial partner from Czech Republic. Collaboration of collective will bring unique expertise in their field of knowledge: induction heating applications and feedstock development (Technical University of Chemnitz), filament and 3D printing development (Technical University of Liberec), composite development and characterization (Jožef Stefan Institute), and development of technology and tools for hard materials processing (POLPUR).

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Škoda Auto
Česká Zbrojovka
Fakultní nemocnice Motol