Rozvoj a aplikace kompozitního nosníku pro systém pasivní bezpečnosti automobilů (COBEPSAS) - 2022
Období realizace projektu:01.05. 2023 – 30.04. 2026
Řešitel projektu za TUL:doc. Ing. Michal Petrů, Ph.D.
COBEPSAS aims to develop composite side impact beams for automotive passive safety systems. High collision energies pose a safety threat inside collision accidents. Automotive crash resistance studies tend to use thinner composite shock absorbers that can absorb more kinetic energy. Studies show that composite materials give better energy absorption performance due to different structural breakages during accidents. These composites have the advantages of lightness, high strength, corrosion resistance and easy manufacturability which is important in automotive industry. In addition, due to its energy absorption capability, it has started to be used more in automotive safety elements.