Project Department of environmental chemistry
- NATURE-based REmediation solutions for Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) contamination detail
- NATURE-based REmediation solutions for Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) contamination detail
- Low-cost water treatment systems detail
- Novel Ways to Monitor and Eliminate Chlorinated & Fluorinated persistent chemicals in environmental sources and study of their health and environmental risks detail
- Wastewater without borders: Czech-Polish cooperation on sustainable wastewater treatment and education on residual harmful pollutants detail
- Sulfate radical-based processes for removal of antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant bacteria from water detail
- Sulfate radical-based processes for removal of antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant bacteria from water detail
- Sulfate radical-based processes for removal of antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant bacteria from water detail
- Removal of water pollution with Waste: an innOvative way tO turn Waste into value detail
- Approaches for design and realization of complex effective measures for tile drained agricultural catchments by land consolidations detail
- PerSlowAct - Remedial Technology of Slow-Release/Activated Persulfate for Long Lasting In Situ Chemical Oxidation detail
- Porous 2D biological membranes and 3D structures built from polysaccharides of functionalized plant gums and their environmental applications detail
- Understanding and characterization of reactive oxygen species in persulfate-based systems detail
- PROSYKO 2 - Kompozitní přípravek na bázi vermikulitu pro zemědělské účely - bal.13 detail
- Reducing Microplastics in Innovative Farming – Vertical Farm 0.0 detail
- In-situ sulphate radical regeneration of sorbents (ISRE) detail
- Separace vybraných kovů z vyřazených solárních panelů pomocí iontových kapalin detail
- Reducing Heavy Metal Pollution in Agriculture "Metallica" detail
- Sorption module for nuclear power plant severe accident mitigation detail
- Exploring the role of ferrates and modified nano zero-valent iron in the activation process of persulfates detail