Project Department of environmental chemistry
- Technologie in situ elektricky podporované mobilizace a oxidace extrémně vysoké organické kontaminace detail
- Sustainable porous 2D Membranes and 3D Sponges for the Removal and Detection of Micro- and Nano-plastics detail
- Sustainable and Greener Approach to the Fabrication of MXene Reinforced Bio-gum/Carbon Nanocomposites for Energy and Environmental Applications. detail
- Sustainable development of two-dimensional MXene reinforced biogum carbon nanostructures detail
- ULTRA-SMALL: Laser Synthesis of Ultra-Small Nanoalloys for the Neat Development of Powerful Catalysts detail
- Visegrad Fund – Stanislaw Waclawek detail
- Visegrad Fund_Lukowiec_Waclawek detail
- Visegrad Fund_Lukowiec_Waclawek detail
- Visegrad Fund_Lukowiec_Waclawek detail
- Visegrad Fund_S. Waclawek_D. Lukowiec detail
- Use of the short lived radiotracers and development of their detection methods to describe processes influencing migration of contaminants in the environment detail
- Use of the short lived radiotracers and development of their detection methods to describe processes influencing migration of contaminants in the environment detail
- Utilization of waste material from limestone quarries in combination with biochar in order to improve soil properties of agricultural areas detail
- Development and testing of a combined remediation method of reductive-oxidative in-situ bioremediation of chlorinated solvents (BIOREDOXX) detail
- Smart Rain Flow detail
- Vývoj inovativní technologie chemické oxidace perzistentních organických polutantů in situ s využitím odpadních materiálů jako aktivátorů detail
- Development of mobile modular technology for removal of pesticides, pharmaceuticals and hormonal substances for raw water treatment detail
- Vývoj separační technologie na bázi grafenových nano-derivátů detail
- Vývoj separační technologie na bázi grafenových nano-derivátů detail
- Výzkum a vývoj ekologického filtru pitné vody s použitím nanovrstvy grafenu detail